Grocery store hacks…

5 grocery tips to save you money 💰🤑

OK … so lets skip the obvious tips, like shopping the perimeter of the store, and eating before you go grocery shopping, so you don’t buy a bunch of items stuff because you’re hungry.

Goof #1 this one is one that should be 2nd nature, but we forget…

It’s to open up your cabinets, pantry and refrigerator, check to see what you have on-hand … and also throw out anything in your fridge/cabinets that’s questionable. You already know you’re NOT going to eat it, get rid of it

Knowing what you already have is a big part of knowing what you need. It helps you be more intentional, while at the store and in the long run, helps you avoid waste

Goof #2 … use a smaller cart if at all possible. This can help you avoid making impulse purchases because there’s less room in the cart.

Plus, this helps you keep track of what you’ve already bought. Do you see a colorful array of healthy foods, or is your cart packed with boxes and bags?

Goof #3 … Remember the food you threw out from your fridge or cabinets ? Did it include any veggies or other produce you didn’t get around to using before it went bad?

When you’re shopping for produce, you might actually think you’re going to use that giant container of Spinach … and you probably have great intentions for it … but will you REALLY use it? it will probably go bad , downsize.

This tip is to buy only what you really need, vs. what you aspire to need. So if you always have leftover produce, buy the smaller bag or buy fewer of whatever item it is.

Goof #4 … This one is about being an informed buyer. Stay away from end caps of the aisles, get tunnel vision.

Just motor on by them. That’s where the most tempting sales items are located, like potato chips, snack foods, and processed foods, junk.

Most likely. You don’t need them! Not to mention, they probably aren’t in line with your fitness or wellness goals…I’m just saying?

 Also, when you are shopping the aisles, keep in mind that you are being marketed to every second you are in the store! The items they WANT you to buy are on the center shelves, at your eye-level.

Start looking on higher and  lower shelves, you usually can find less expensive and  healthier options on the shelves above and below your eye-level.
And lastle, goof#5. This one might be the most effective way ever to stick to your list! This will help you stay in budget…
It’s to pay for your groceries with CASH.

Not your debit card or a check. Plain, old CASH.

Paying with cash automatically sets a limit on how much you can buy because you can only spend the amount you have on-hand.

This can help you set priorities for which items you choose. All those impulse buys and extras add up fast.

Plus, there’s something more palpable about actually forking over your hard-earned cash than simply swiping your debit card! It seems more real.

I hope these tips help streamline your grocery trip and help you reach your goals!
#FitForLife #fitandfabulous#ForeverFreeFitness

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